Removing Negativity in favour of success – Podcast episode 11

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments2 min read551 views

In this week’s episode of Can We have it all podcast, I wanted to talk about something that crops up a lot within Community Inspire Collaborate members and my 1-2-1 clients… negativity and it’s impact on our success. I’m a believer of removing negativity in favour of success and in this episode, I talk through ways in which I’ve done that and you can to.

Can We Have It All? podcast episode 11

Removing Negativity in favour of success

I’ll let the podcast episode do the talking, but in a nutshell:

  1. What does success actually mean to you?
  2. The danger of passive aggressive friends
  3. It’s ok to say goodbye to relationships that aren’t serving you anymore
  4. It’s ok to unfollow on social media
  5. Removing negativity in favour of success

A lot of us spend too much time worrying what other people think and letting micro-aggressions build-up until our confidence is totally knocked. You might need to spend sometime redefining what success means to you (it’s probably different to when you were a teenager!). If you can relate, this episode is a must listen!

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You can find my podcast on soundcloud / Apple podcasts / and your regular podcast provider. Just search for “Can We Have It All?“. I’d love it if you could subscribe and leave me a 5* rating/review (if you enjoy it), as it’ll help my podcast get seen by others. A lot of hard work goes into pulling these together and I’d love for the episodes to reach far and wide. Thank you. I’ll also be regularly picking a subscriber/reviewer at random to win a 1-2-1 coaching session or blog audit with me, to show my appreciation 

Questions or topics?

If you have any questions or topics that you’d like me to address in a future episode of Can We Have It All? then just pop them in an email to [email protected] or send me a tweet or DM on instagram.

If you like this, you might also like the episode on How to tackle energy dips and my blog post on what success looks like in your thirties.


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