Can We Have It All? Podcast Series 2, launched

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments3 min read595 views

If you haven’t listed to my podcast, Can We Have It All? yet, where have you been?! 😉 Just kidding…though I would really like you to head on over and subscribe, as you might just find it inspiring, informative and real – which is what I aim for it to be!

And guess what? I’ve recently launched Series 2, with a revamped and refreshed format, that I hope you’ll all enjoy… so what’s new?

Can We Have It All? (What’s that all about?)

The focus of my podcast is still the same – the notion that in this day and age, many of us feel the need to “have it all”. We feel the pressure to have it all and often, that’s a pressure that we’re putting ourselves under.

I have found that over the last 5 years, I continually question myself… can I have it all? Can I be a mum, a business owner, a wife, a friend? Can I be fit, into yoga, eat well, relax, have a good work-life balance? Can I still be me, whilst wearing 3 or 4 different “hats”?

So, in my podcast, I explore this question with you and with my guests…

Real chat…

The one thing I missed when I started my first business, after I was made redundant on my first maternity leave, was good, honest, real advice. I didn’t know anyone well, that was in the same position and had been on quite the same journey. There was no template for me to follow and no one that I could ask all those questions that you really want to know, like: How much does it cost to start my own business? Can I create something from home? How long is it until I’ll start earning money? Will I ever replace my previous salary? How do I fit it all in round two kids? etc. etc. 

I’ve learnt a lot of the last 5 years and I have found many other people who are on similar journeys to me and are at different stages – some just starting out, some still figuring it all out, some absolutely smashing it…and everything in between! So I’ve learnt a lot from others too and the biggest benefit to me, has been having these open, honest and frank conversations with people that I trust and admire. People like Gemma Wade, Pamela Higgins, Anna Hardy and Carly Rowena.

So what can you expect from my podcast?

  • Some shorter episodes: bite-size episodes where I’ll take you through some tips to do with anything: business, social media, blogging, mindfulness etc.
  • Some longer episodes: featuring a guest, where I’ll delve deeper into their personal journey and experiences – the reality of it, good, bad and ugly.
  • Subscriber and Reviewer shout-outs: I’ll take time to appreciate you guys for coming on this journey with me and even offer a prize, at random, for a coaching session with me!
  • Real chat. Informal, approachable and genuine – that’s what Can We Have It All? podcast, is all about!


Every Monday at 7am! Subscribe so you don’t miss out! Available wherever you find your podcasts. 

My podcast, series 2, so far:

Here’s what I’ve covered so far in series 2:

Episode 1: The New look podcast (a low-down from me, on the new format and how you can get involved!)

Episode 2: Working from home and self-isolation sanity tips

Episode 3: A chat with Kat Horrocks on her business journey and how she changed and adapted her business

Episode 4: Boobs and Business – my first podcast with my husband, Owner and MD of Six & Flow (unedited and involving cocktails!)

So there you have it, Can We Have It All? a podcast for 30 and 40 somethings, juggling life, family and business! What do you think? Can we have it all? Is it possible? I hope you’ll come along for a listen.



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