Can We Have It All? A chat with Jess Stock re mental health, comparison and income

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments2 min read624 views

We’re well into Series 2 of my podcast, Can We Have It All? and this episode is a chat with good friend and fellow content creator/business owner, Jess Stock aka Not Just A Tit. Jess is very open about her mental health, comparison and money, as well as her journey, which might not quite have been the path she’d planned. Listen in, as I know you’ll be as inspired by her as I am…

Can We Have It All? podcast episode 7

I’ll let the podcast episode do the talking, but some of the things we cover in today’s chat are:

  • academia in school and that academic “chip” on your shoulder
  • mental health and the danger of comparison
  • diversifying your income and having multiple streams coming in
  • taking that leap from full-time employment to setting-up on your own
  • juggling kids and business
  • organisational hacks

It’s a great one and I love Jess’s honesty and candid nature – it’s why we’ve become friends. She’s a real giver and I think lots of you will be able to relate to her story and the journey that she is still on.

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Questions or topics?

If you have any questions or topics that you’d like me to address in a future episode of Can We Have It All? then just pop them in an email to [email protected] or send me a tweet or DM on instagram.


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