Can we have it all? A chat with Content Creator Onyi Moss

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments2 min read649 views

I’m so excited to welcome Content Creator Onyi Moss to the Can we have it all podcast this week. I’ve known Onyi for a few years now, we’ve attended some of the same Press events and spoken on the same stage. I’ve adored her content ever since I set eyes on her instagram account over 4 years ago. Since then, she’s created a page of over 150,000 followers, an outstanding blog, won Content Creator of the Year at the Northern Blog Awards in 2018 and creates beautiful images for global brands.

Onyi’s story is an inspiring one, so be sure to tune in…

Can We Have It All? podcast episode 13

content creator Onyi Miss

I’ll let the podcast episode do the talking, but some of the things we cover in today’s chat are:

  • her journey from Nigeria to Manchester
  • from Accountant to Content Creator
  • whether she considers herself an influencer
  • what it has been like being a black woman in the industry
  • finding her voice

I love this episode and Onyi Moss is so generous with her insights into the industry and honest about her journey. A must-listen!

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Questions or topics?

If you have any questions or topics that you’d like me to address in a future episode of Can We Have It All? then just pop them in an email to [email protected] or send me a tweet or DM on instagram.

If you like this episode, you might also like to listen to my chats with influencer Katie Woods and recipe developer Pamela Higgins.

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