5 reasons why a subscription membership model is good for you and your business

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments2 min read784 views

Having successfully established and managed a subscription membership for 5 years now, I feel well placed to talk on this subject. Some of my fellow entrepreneurs have asked me about this topic recently, so I thought it would be good to create some content about it – share my knowledge with you all. A subscription model can be so good for you as a business and also as a customer for so many reasons. Here’s just 5 reasons why a subscription membership model is good for you and your business…

a subscription membership model is good for you and your business

Why a subscription membership model is good

I’d like to let the podcast do most of the talking – it’s only 20 mins or so, and well worth a listen if a) you’re considering starting a subscription membership model or b) considering joining one as a customer!

It’s definitely not the easy option as a business owner, but a subscription model can be such a fantastic one for many reasons and here’s my 5:

  1. Building community and relationships

  2. You can provide more value, life-time value, in one place

  3. Potential for “passive” income

  4. Establish a mailing-list and audience to up-sell

  5. Immediate testing, feedback & evaluation

As a member or customer, the above 5 things are so valuable too and the reason why I’d consider joining a subscription membership for your favourite content creators, entrepreneurs and businesses, if you haven’t already. For usually a relatively low investment, you get to tap into A LOT of information, content and value. It’s a great investment in yourself, your development and your learning and you get to have a voice and some direct contact with that community leader (usually). It’s also a fantastic way to remain accountable to yourself, your “teacher” or value provider and also your community. And you know what? You’ll make some great friends along the way. Many of my friendships have been born out of my community (formerly WeBlogNorth, now Community Inspire Collaborate) and although I run the community, I’m still very much a member too and totally benefit from it.

We have circa 200 members and growing, all of whom are like-minded, friendly and supportive (good vibes only in our subscription membership!). I provide my members with:

  • weekly inspiration & insights
  • monthly learning resources, lives & webinars
  • guest webinars & industry insights
  • regular virtual events
  • regular face-to-face events & meet-ups (when we’re allowed), in Manchester and the North

And for our “next level” members:

  • everything above plus…
  • a “hot seat” appraisal/insights from me
  • exclusive podcast content
  • next level resources (beyond basics)

Worth it for just ÂŁ5.99 a month don’t you think? (I always equate it to the cost of a glass of Prosecco!). JOIN NOW!

So if you’re considering a subscription model, as a business or as a customer, then I hope you’ve found these 5 reasons why a subscription membership model is good for you and your business helpful! And if you haven’t already…

Have a listen to the podcast.

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