Slimming World – Starting Again

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments2 min read1.2K views

So in the lead-up to our wedding, I did as most brides-to-be do and embarked on a weight-loss quest. After much trial and error, I finally found something that worked for me and that was Slimming World.

I managed to lose 12 lbs in 4 months, without being entirely strict and depriving myself of the things I love to eat and drink. This is the most I’ve ever lost and I didn’t feel starved and I even enjoyed the process and the control I had over my eating – I enjoyed finding Slimming World recipes, I enjoyed going to group and I enjoyed the weigh-ins (most of the time anyway).

Then the wedding came, closely followed-by the honeymoon and I spent pretty much 4 weeks eating and drinking exactly what I wanted, when I wanted. It was bliss! You’ll see from my Honeymoon posts, and from my Italian Food posts,  that we had a lot of fun eating and drinking our way around Italy, so I don’t regret a second of it. But when I got home and back on those scales, I realised just how quick it was to eradicate all that progress I’d made…what I’d lost in 4 months, I’d gained-back in 4 weeks!

And here I am, back at my starting weight, happily married but in need of a lifestyle change. Having entered my late-twenties *coughs nervously*, I should be in the prime of my physical fitness and appearance and I’m certainly not! I’ve become lazy and complacent with my diet and am unfit as I’m not making the time to go to the gym. Most of my clothes don’t fit me properly and I don’t enjoy shopping as much (that’s when I know something is wrong). Only I can change this, I’m fully aware!

I know Slimming World works, but I’ve lost my mojo. I need to get it back, and sooner rather than later. I’m lucky to have a great group and a fabulous and supportive group leader to motivate me – so I’m going to make the most of this, pull out my Slimming World recipe books and get back on it! I don’t have a wedding to focus on as a goal anymore, so instead I’m going to focus on my hubby’s 30th birthday and making sure I look and feel my best.

So today is me starting again. I will post my progress intermittently and would love to hear about your dieting secrets and goals – sometimes sharing makes things that little bit easier.

Keep calm and join slimming world
