Our marriage 6 months on

So today, I’ve been married to my wonderful husband for 6 whole months! Boy does time fly and to my shame, it wasn’t actually me that remembered this significant date…it was him! (bad wifey!).
So how do I feel 6 months on? Not massively different to be honest. See, me and the husband are best friends, we were before we were married and we are now. We lived together before we were married and we’re about to buy our first proper house together now. We were happy before we were married and we’re bloody happy now! So really, I feel exactly the same, which is a fantastic thing!
Yes, I’m of course incredibly excited for the rest of our lives together, all the plans we have and all the experiences we’re going to share. But as for the day-to-day lives of a couple, I’m just happy that this feeling of comfort and utter contentment is still present. I’m happy to come home to my best friend everyday whom I can now call “husband” (which I do in that cringey way!) and I’m happy that I can look back at that amazing day 6 months ago and confidently say, it was THE BEST DAY EVER!!!
I can’t believe how time flies and it only feels like yesterday I was walking up the aisle, but so much has happened in this 6 months that it also feels like a distant memory. I still want to do it all again, I’m not going to lie (with the same guy of course), as our wedding day was genuinely the best day of my life and any day when you get to be the centre of attention and surrounded by all the people in the world you love, is a winner in my books! But I am mainly excited for the things we have to come…
I’m an avid ready of Rock n Roll bride and have been reading Kat’s series of posts called Marriage Mantras lately. One stuck out in my mind the most which was her post about making time for each other. This is so important! It’s something me and the hubby have always managed to do throughout our relationship, whilst still maintaining our independence and personal time – but it is something I can imagine is easy to become complacent about. So we’ve vowed to not let that happen and have introduced the ‘date night’. We usually have plenty of time together hanging out, but I think the label of ‘date night’ will make us appreciate it that little bit more, make a bit more of an effort and ensure we stick to it.
It might sound a bit contrived, but I think simple little things like that make you remember all the reasons you’re together in the first place, which is sometimes all too easy to forget.
So on our 6-month anniversary, I can genuinely say I’ve never been happier, I’m utterly content in my marriage and am looking forward to all the exciting things life will throw at us as a couple in the coming years.
Marry your best-friend…it really is the best thing ever!