My Wedding Trailer

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments2 min read519 views

It’s taken over 3 years to share this with you guys, for no other reason than I’ve just not got round to it. Sounds ridiculous but it’s kinda true.

When we were planning our wedding, one of the most important things to us was to have it documented. We wanted to be able to enjoy looking back at our wedding day for years to come, to show our friends and family and our kids one day. 

So photography and videography were seriously high-up on the agenda for us and we found four incredibly talented individuals to work their magic at our special day. These individuals were Emma and Pete of Emma Case Photography and Lee and Dawn of Shutterbox Films. What an awesome bunch of folks. We knew right away we were in good hands.

Emma and Pete took care of our engagement photoshoot, as well as on the day photography. Lee and Dawn turned-up on the day to work their magic, with a mixture of Super8 film and digital, squirreled away for approximately 4 weeks and then sent us this bad ass wedding trailer…

I cried instantly as the memories of our amazing day came flooding back in an instant. As for the first time, we were seeing our wedding through someone else’s eyes and getting to relive it once again.

And this was just the trailer. What the hell would the full thing be like?! (It was bloody brilliant obviously).

So I’ve finally shared it with you.

If you’re uhhming and ahhing about whether to have your wedding filmed, then all I can say is, please do! It’s such a wonderful to thing to be able to look back on and one of the few things that you can take away with you from your wedding day that’ll last forever.

Check out Shutterbox Films as they’re a fab place to start.

Are you considering documenting your big day?

