Link Loveliness – Bikini Body, Home Inspiration and Andy Warhol

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments2 min read390 views

I have had a particularly hectic few weeks with one thing and another, so finding the time to trawl the net and catch-up with my favourite blogs has been tricky. So I’ve been catching-up with things this weekend, whiling away the days in the Manchester sun. And here’s a few things that have caught my eye in this week’s Link Loveliness…

  • I’m gonna be doing this 10-minute bikini body workout all the way to Italy. I have 8 weeks to lose 12 lbs! That’s 1.5 lbs per week. Can I do it?
  • These healthy Summer recipes are going to help me get that bikini bod!
  • But I’m going to have to avoid these Summer cocktails if I stand a chance!
  • And I’m loving Kelly Brook’s swimwear range for New Look. Might just brave it in 8 weeks time…eek!
  • Also loving Anthropologie’s Summer collection – too many pretty things!
  • I’m loving taking part in So You’re Getting Married’s #MarriedMay – it’s a great thing to do for brides-to-be and those already married 🙂
  • A short post on how to build your blog following.
  • We’ve spent a lot of time doing-up the house lately…Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom. Lots of interior decorating posts coming-up on the blog. But House to Home has been providing me with lots of inspiration.
  • For all you yummy-mummies, this is a seriously cool Andy Warhol stroller!
  • And finally, thinking of your Summer holidays? Thomson helped us book our trip to Turkey this September. But for something a little more unusual and closer to home, check out Vintage Vacations…love it!
