Postnatal Home Workouts You Can Actually Do – Part 2

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments2 min read615 views

Hopefully you saw last Friday’s post in which I’ve collaborated with Personal Trainer, Vicki Mellard, who has put together some awesome workout videos, geared at us postnatal ladies. These are postnatal workouts you can actually do – whether you’ve got 5 minutes, or 30!…

All you need is a bit of space in your (messy if you’re like me) home and in this video, an exercise band, which you can get from most places now. Here’s one from Amazon which doesn’t break the bank (and they’re in pretty colours!): JollySports Resistance Bands Set

Postnatal Workouts

Here’s what’s going on in the video…


Squats x 12
Squats with a kickback x 12 each leg
Wall Sit Adduction x 24
Leg Lifts x 24 (12 each leg)
Standing Abduction x 12 each leg
Kickbacks x 12 each leg
Rest 45-60 secs
Repeat 3-5 times depending on ability / time

You can mix this workout up with the first video we’ve shared and also the next one (coming soon!).

Vicki Mellard PT

I didn’t tell you much about Vicki in my first post, so let me do so now and this is coming from the lovely lady herself:

‘”Find balance, be confident and get strong’ this is my ethos, this is my brand and this is what I try and help all my ladies achieve. I don’t focus on weight or a size (they will change anyway and it shouldn’t be the main drive) instead I focus on how exercise makes you feel, how eating well is good for health and how a glass of wine is good for the soul ;). Moderation is key, having fun is everything! 
From my own experience of seriously restricting, to over training, to feeling so low and hiding my feelings from everyone I don’t want anyone else to feel like that and if I can help in anyway I will do just that. Every woman should love herself like she loves her friends and should be proud of the body she has. Always strive to be the best version of yourself but it doesn’t mean what you currently have is bad. 
I’m not perfect but I train for fun and to be a strong bad ass, I eat foods that fuel my body, keep me healthy but also foods that I love to eat and I have fun 🙂 “
How awesome is she?! If you’re interested in training with Vicki or have any specific questions, check our her page!

Next workout coming soon…

And I might even share a cheeky video of me attempting it…I might…
Be sure to tag me in any videos or workout motivation of your postnatal workouts…we’re in this together! – Twitter and Instagram and Facebook.