Moments Together – Number 1

So I’ve decided to refresh HollyGoesLightly a little bit and make it simpler for you to tune-in and follow!
So with that in mind, I’ll be largely posting certain content on certain days, as follows:
Monday –
#MomentsTogether (a new series, of which this is Number 1, focusing on those special moments in life, shared with others). It’ll be a video post or gallery of photos.
Wednesday –
Food or Travel (does what it says on the tin! These will be my restaurant reviews, foodie posts and travel/holiday content). These will be full blog posts with photos and/or videos.
Friday –
#MummyFriday (a series of parenting posts). This will be a mixture of my reflecting on my pregnancy and time as a mother, other mummy stories and guest-written posts and anything focussing on parenting really.
Sunday –
House & Home (all things interiors and home related). This will be anything from design and styling inspo posts, to #TheHouseProject updates, to product reviews or recommendations.
What about the days in between?
Well when there’s more to talk about, I’ll post it on a Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday. But largely speaking, if you tune-in, at 9am on the days above, that’s what you’ll find!
Moments Together
So without further ado, here is the first in my new Moments Together series. This one is a little insight to the silliness my daughter and I get up to when we’re left to our own devices.
It’s amazing what joy an insta-story and a cushion on the floor can bring!
Moments Together – number 1 from Holly Wood on Vimeo.
So there we have it. It’s Monday and there’s my Moments Together post! The first of a weekly series I’ll be running.
Tune in on Wednesday at 9am for the next installment of HollyGoesLightly…new and improved 😉