Life Hacks with Kilter Home: Organising my wardrobe and cleansing my mind

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments4 min read490 views
[**Gifted-Ad: This service was gifted to me by the lovely Lois of Kilter Homes, so I could experience her service first hand. I haven’t been paid to write about it and I wouldn’t be recommending it if I didn’t think it was awesome.**]

It’s taking me a stupidly long time to get this post to you and for that, I apologise. But in my defence, it has been an incredibly busy year, with lots to juggle and I actually think posting this 7 months on, justifies the process…

I had a busy 2018 and come Janury, I was in burn-out and new it was integral for my success, mental wellbeing and general sanity, that I got more organised! Not just with work, with everything. First stop, the bane of my life… my cluttered, over-stuffed, can-never-find-anything, wardrobe!

Cue the first of my life hacks with Kilter Home…

Life Hacks with Kilter Home – tackling the wardrobe

Back to January…

So although my home-office is currently my Monica-wardrobe and a total state, I’ve realised over this last few months that the thing that brings me continual, daily stress, is my wardrobe. Long story short, I’ve got too many clothes. I’ve hoarded over the years, kept things because I think I’m going to get my 24-year-old body back and bought things without trying them on or really thinking about whether they have a place in my wardrobe.

Add to that, a disorganised and cluttered drawer system, piles of clean laundry that never makes it to being put away and a totally over-flowing wardrobe, the whole thing is a nightmare. Daily, I spend at least 15-20 minutes stressing about what I’m going to wear, not being able to find something, or flying through piles of laundry to get at something. There’s clothes in my lounge, utility room, hallway, bedroom and dressing room. I hate it and as I lead a busy life and juggle the kids/home too, I never seem to get enough time to properly tackle it.

Cluttered wardrobe, cluttered mind

I’ve put two and two together to realise that starting my day like this everyday, is not good or productive. It makes me tense, annoyed and frustrated which seeps into my work-life. Not good! Can anyone relate? (Please tell me I’m not the only one!).

Kilter Home slid into my DMs like the life-hacking-get-your-shit-sorted enchantress that she is.

In walks Kilter Home…

Having spoken a bit on my insta-stories about #lifehacks that new Marie Kondo series on Netflix and generally having that ruthless desire to get rid of sh*t, Kilter Home slid into my DMs like the life-hacking-get-your-shit-sorted enchantress that she is.

Based in Liverpool, Lois aka Kilter Home, is a

mindful declutterer, organiser and conscious consumer coach

ie, everything I need in my life right now! So obviously, when she offered to come and see me for a day, work on streamlining and organising my wardrobe for me, I jumped at the chance. I wanted to see if this stuff really worked.

Watch the video…

So I’ll let the video do the talking (literally) – it’s a meaty one, as I wanted to talk a bit about why my life is so cluttered and each step of the process with Lois, Kilter Home. I feel like letting a total stranger into your home, to sift through your personal belongings and question your decisions, is a daunting prospect and one many of us would be put of by. I didn’t know whether Lois would turn up with a stern face, clip-board and judgemental rhetoric…but you know what, she was totally normal and bloody brilliant at what she does (and what I don’t do well!).

So check out the video, meet Lois and see the process from before to after my life hacks with Kilter Home…

The Next Steps

So what do you think? Totally approachable right? And yes, if you’ve got time, you can certainly tackle something like this yourself BUT you’ll never be as ruthless and discerning as when you are with someone else AND if you’re a busy person like me, chances are you’ll start and never finish the task at hand. Hands up if you’ve got to the point where it’s messier before it gets tidier? But then never have the time to tidy it? Yup, that’s me!!

July 2019 – How am I getting on?

Well I won’t lie to you, having Lois come in and help organise my wardrobe has changed so much for me! It’s changed my outlook on my wardrobe and personal style (check out a post I wrote about that here), and it’s given me the gift of time! I save so much time every morning because I can clearly see and find my clothes. It means I’m wearing way more of my wardrobe than ever before and I can spot gaps. So when I do shop, it’s much more focussed, as I know exactly what I have and actually need. I’m also more ruthless and if I haven’t worn something in months then I’ll likely get rid and donate to charity and if something no longer feels good or “sparks joy”, then it’s out.

Life Hacks – what I’ve learnt from Lois, Kilter Home has also inspired me to re-organise and streamline other areas of my life, which is currently in progress! The kitchen and my office are two on-going projects which I’m excited to show you, but my overly-stuffed French Dresser (which you can actually see cluttered and dishevelled int the background of my video above) has already been “Kilter-ed”. Just have a look at it now:

life hacks with kilter home french dresser hollygoeslightly

Change is afoot and I can’t wait to tackle more and make our house a proper Kilter Home.

What life-hacks can you share that have worked for you?