Holly goes lightly…an introduction

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments2 min read526 views

So I’m Holly and I’ve decided to write a blog. This blog is going to be about things that inspire me, things that I think are cool, things that I experience that I think are worth sharing , things that make me happy and a few bits in between. I guess you could call it a lifestyle blog…maybe. I’m not sure yet. I’ll let you decide that. Cue Hollygoeslightly.co.uk (sharp intake of breath!)…

I like to keep things light, informal and fun. I try not to take things too seriously and I really enjoy finding and looking at awesome stuff. Some of that stuff, I’ll talk about here, because hopefully other people will think it’s awesome too.

I’m a keen photographer, so I’ll be mostly taking my own photos and learning on the job (bear with me, I’m a “budding” photographer, not a professional). I mostly love photographing people, so you’ll see a bit of that on here too.

I’ll also be asking for guest-blogger contributions from like-minded bloggers, in the hope that this will add an extra dimension to this blog and because I just think it’s blimmin’ awesome to work and collaborate with other people; it keeps things fresh and exciting. My hubby may make an appearance in this section as I think it’s cool to get the other side of the fence on some matters and so there’s something interesting for the boys too. It’s not all about us ladies…it mostly is…but not totally (well that’s what we’ll tell them anyway)!

Mostly, I’m just going to be true and honest to myself on here and let things grow and develop organically. Who knows in what direction this will go, but i’m bloody excited to find out. Let’s see what happens!