Happy Father’s Day

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments1 min read478 views

Today is my husband’s first ever Father’s Day and guess what? He’s still in bed! Well I suppose he’s allowed, it’s his day after all. 

He doesn’t know it yet (unless he’s reading this right now, which is unlikely), but we’re taking him for a surprise lunch, just the three of us. Our little family.

Without getting too sentimental about it, my husband really has become the most wonderful dad to our daughter. He’s such a natural and she adores him. We’ve supported each other throughout this crazy journey called parenthood and he’s been my absolute rock. It’s not easy!

I know that our daughter will grow up with a loving, caring, supportive and mischievous dad and I can already see that same glint in her eye that I see in his. Uh oh.

And Father’s Day couldn’t go by without a shout-out to my daddy – the greatest dad a gal could ask for! Love you dad. (This is me tearing up when he walked in on my wedding morning, he looked so handsome and I could tell he was loving every minute of that day…it was the best!).

happy father's day my daddy hollygoeslightlyhappy father's day sign hollygoeslightly

