Cubanisto House of Mask

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments2 min read372 views

I had the pleasure of working on and attending the awesome Cubanisto House of Mask event, held in Manchester at The Old Granada Studios earlier this month. And what an event it was!

The theme was a sort of secret masked rave where you could enjoy the rum-infused beer drink (surprisingly moreish!) in an awesome setting full of live graffiti art and neon lights. 

hollygoeslightly cubanisto house of mask manchester stencil

The venue was only recognisable by the neon-lit Cubanisto skull symbol, marking out the entrance down a side-alley. On arrival, you’re greeted by masked men telling you to “confess to access”. You’re then shown into a ‘Confessions Room’ where you write your secret confession on a special cheque. You then have to hand your cheque into the spooky twins who point you to a cupboard door.

In a Narnia-inspired moment, we made our way through the black cupboard door that led onto a black dark corridor with smoke billowing from the sides. The corridor gets smaller as you walk close to the entrance door (another neon light sign) and you’re almost crawling on hands and knees by the time you reach the party! Very Alice in Wonderland…

Can you spot me in this photo…?

hollygoeslightly cubanisto house of mask manchester neon

Once in the party, the stunning DJ played away all night and there was a plethora of Cubanisto-inspired activities to enjoy. There was a mask-decorating workshop, a secret photobooth, where you’re ushered off into another mystery corridor and live graffiti artists surrounding you. You’re also handed a puzzle piece on arrival and have to find the 2 missing pieces to form your skull (a great ice-breaker when you approach randoms in the party to look at their piece!)…once you’ve got a full puzzle, you get a special key which then unlocks secrets around the room! Amazing huh!

hollygoeslightly cubanisto house of mask manchester graffiti artistshollygoeslightly cubanisto house of mask manchester graffitihollygoeslightly cubanisto house of mask manchester neon artworkhollygoeslightly cubanisto house of mask manchester puzzle piecehollygoeslightly cubanisto house of mask manchester barhollygoeslightly cubanisto house of mask manchester beer

With great music, a surprisingly tasty beverage and some scrummy street-food, we partied the night away…until the big reveal! At about 11.20pm there was a countdown and the lights dropped, soon to reveal the awesome light show and illuminations of the live graffiti art that had been created throughout the evening. This was quite some sight to behold!

hollygoeslightly cubanisto house of mask manchester girlieshollygoeslightly cubanisto house of mask manchesterhollygoeslightly cubanisto house of mask manchester artwork

The photos don’t do it justice. Definitely keep your eyes peeled for the next Cubanisto event, as these guys know how to throw a party!

The Cubanisto House of Mask events were in London, Bristol, Manchester and Glasgow – did you go?

