Countdown to 30

That’s right people, hard to believe isn’t it? I’m nearly about to exit my twenties and officially enter my thirties. In 7 weeks time, this will no longer be the lifestyle blog of a twenty-something. Instead it’ll be a lifestyle blog of a thirty-something (sobs quietly into my t-shirt).
Actually, I’m not upset about this notion at all. I’m ready to be thirty! I feel like I’ve been in my twenties for bloody ages. A lot has happened in my twenties. I did a lot of growing and became the woman I wanted to be. So roll on thirties, I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you!
I feel more confident than I’ve ever felt before. I’m happier than I’ve ever been before. I’m a wife, a mother and an entrepreneur (apparently) and I think the next decade is going to be the best one yet.
There’s still a fair few things to tick off my bucket-list that I wanted to do before 30, that I’ll just have to gently nudge into the thirties bracket now, but hey! That’s ok with me.
I’ve some personal health, fitness and image goals that I’d like to meet in my 30th year (more on that in a separate post later) and I have some business goals I want to achieve too. But all in all, I’m feeling pretty excited about it all. Does that sound smug? It’s not supposed to at all! I just feel like the days of worrying and beating myself up are over. Life’s too short. Be a good person, don’t be a dickhead and you’ll do well. That’s my motto anyway.Â
Anybody else nearing their thirties or just turned? How did you feel about it all?