Booking a Personal Trainer

If you follow this blog, you’ll be aware of my constant battle with weight and getting fit. I’m back on the Slimming World food optimising plan and I’m ready to get back on track with my fitness too.
When I was recently on holiday, enjoying the all-inclusive buffet and limitless cocktails, I was making plans to get fit…honestly! So much so, that I spent a few hours, lazing around by the pool, looking for a Personal Trainer in Manchester, who would be able to help me achieve my personal goals. And I was lucky enough that the wonderful Jade Mottley saw my plight on Twitter and tweeted back!
I was pretty honest with Jade from word ‘go’…I like my food, I’m not into fad-dieting, I’m in the worst shape of my life and I need motivation. After a chat on the phone, I realised that Jade was just the sort of personal trainer I was looking for – easy to talk to, honest and she knows her stuff! We quickly made a plan and scheduled-in a date for my first workout and planning session.
That date was yesterday! I have to be honest, I was looking forward to it and dreading it all at the same time. I was a bit nervous and just a tad self-conscious, but Jade’s cheery demeanour and sense of humour quickly put me at ease. We had a bit of a chat and she let me know that she’d be “taking it easy on me” for the first sesh. I have no doubt that she did, but I’m sat here typing, with a satisfying ache in my muscles, so I know she didn’t take it that easy lol.
We did a series of exercises that’d workout the entire body and would be easy for me to replicate at home and I quickly got a sweat-on. The time flew-by and we finished-up (I was certainly ready to finish!) and had a talk about my personal goals. Jade asked me to come up with 5 measurable goals that we could work-on together and track as I progress.
I’ll share those goals with you readers, as I want to be as honest and genuine as I can be about this whole process and it also makes me accountable! 🙂
So here they are:
1. Drop a dress size
2. Lose a couple of inches off…everywhere
3. Do 100 sit-ups (in one-go)
4. Run for 20 mins without feeling like I want to pass out
5. Tone my thighs (I have my reasons!)
The goals address not only the way I look, but my fitness levels, which is just as important for me. (I’m slightly regretting saying 100 sit-ups already…that one just seemed to fall out of my mouth!).
So after just over an hour, Jade went on her merry way and I was left feeling positive, motivated and just a little bit sweaty. The exercise has left me feeling energised too and I’m sure I’ll sleep better as I get into a regular routine.
I really can’t wait for the next session and I’m sure Jade won’t take it easy on me again lol,
Have you ever had a personal trainer?
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