Blog On 2015

Holly Wood By Holly Wood1 Comment2 min read1K views

Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending the Blog On 2015 conference at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester.

I’d booked my ticket last year at a bargain price of about ÂŁ30 and the next thing I knew, it was May Bank Holiday and the blogging event was upon me. I had no idea what to expect, never having attended in previous years, but the Facebook group and bloggers on Twitter all seemed a friendly bunch, so I knew I’d be in good hands.

I turned up with my roller suitcase (yes, you heard me right, we were told to bring a suitcase for all the goodies we’d be getting) at 9am and made my way to the registration area. Straight away I bumped into a couple of familiar faces – lovely bloggers that have attended my #WeBlogMCR meet-ups. 

After a bit of chit-chat, I made my way to the breakfast buffet…obvs! This is where I met two lovely bloggers, which alone, made the whole day worth-while. May I introduce the awesome Melissa (aka. MummyBeeBlog) and the lovely Lorna Fairie. These two beauts are both Manchester bloggers and I’d certainly say…watch this space!

blog on 2015 blogger babes hollygoeslightly

Off we all went to our day packed full of seminars, brands and competitions. With over 120 bloggers there (and being 6 months’ pregnant), it was a little overwhelming in parts, but it was good fun!

We had seminars in: Youtube Vlogging (something I’m definitely going to look into), Photography, Working with brands and Lifestyle Blogging. All talks were interesting, however, a bit on the “beginner” side of things for me, so nothing totally new personally. However, interacting with other bloggers and brands on the day, is so valuable and educational in itself and at the bargain ticket price, it was well worth attending. Other newbie bloggers said they got a lot out of it too, so if you’re new to the blogging scene or just interested in meeting other bloggers, then it’s definitely a day worth attending!

Here are just a few pics from the day:

Mmmm…lots of sweety goods from Swizzles, Matlow…

blog on 2015 swizzles hollygoeslightly

Smoking Gun PR were representing a few brands on the day, including Peanut Hottie (amazing!), Oven Pride (can’t wait to give it a go!) and Silent Night (unfortunately I didn’t win the hippo)…

blog on 2015 smoking gun hollygoeslightly blog on 2015 hippo hollygoeslightly

Hancocks Jewellers, Manchester were there with an abundance of stunning diamonds and sapphires! They offer a great selection of engagement and wedding rings by the way (including a great Men’s line)…

blog on 2015 jewellery hollygoeslightly

Thanks to Laura (aka Tired Mummy of Two) and all the lovely bloggers that organised such a great day. And thanks to all the brands that were there handing out freebies and giving us lots of insight into their products. Was a great day all round.

What blogger events have you attended?

