A Slimmer me in 2014

So the inevitable happened yesterday…I got on the scales for the first time in about 3 months…and it wasn’t good! I knew it wouldn’t be good, but I don’t think I was entirely prepared to be faced with the results I saw.
Now I might as well be honest with this, as I think you need to be honest with yourself when it comes to your own body and your ideal weight. I’d put 7lbs on in 3 months and was back to my pre-wedding weight (and then some). So it gave me a good kick in the back-side, ribs and pitt of the stomach. In my heart of hearts I knew it, but I just hadn’t been in the right headspace to confirm my suspicions and do anything about it.
Now I’m in the right headspace and I’m ready and willing to make a change. I’m ready to be a slimmer me in 2014.
As per my 10 ways to make 2014 the best year, I’m going to go into this with a positive attitude, do a bit more exercise and change something about the way I eat. I want to take the pressure off myself a bit. I think we all put pressure on ourselves to be a certain way, look a certain way by a certain date and 9 times out of 10, it’s just not attainable…and it’s certainly not maintainable. So I’m going to take each day as it comes, I’m not going to beat myself up when I have slip-ups and I’m going to remain positive throughout.
Yesterday I went back to my Slimming World Group and I can’t tell you enough how I think this eating plan really helps. Check out my previous posts, I may have started again more than once! I also downloaded the free My Fitness Pal app on my iPad so I can keep a proper log of what I’m eating, my calorie consumption and my exercise regime. This app is great as it tracks your progress against your target and gives you prompts. It also displays the progress in a lovely pie-chart…mmmmm pie!
So this is me, in 2014, starting a fresh, with a positive mind and a smile on my face.
Is anyone else on this journey?