My 90 Day Goals – 90 Days In

This post is a little later than anticipated, mainly because I’ve been crazy busy and incredibly pregnant! But as we’re over 3 months (aka 90 days) into 2018, it makes sense to reflect on my 90 Day Goals that I set at the beginning of the year. You know, just to check in with myself and be accountable…
My 90 Day Goals
I set my 90 day goals, following some coaching sessions with Kat Horrocks and Rob (Bread Business Growth) at the end of last year. I needed some external help to really focus my business (WeBlogNorth) and give myself a boost in the right direction, particularly leading-up to a period of maternity leave with my second child imminent.
This time round, having a baby and working, there’d be lots of unknowns and I wouldn’t have a traditional maternity leave like I did with my first. My business also wasn’t yet sustaining a true income for me and I have so many plans of how I want and need it to grow. But such limited time juggling being a mum too!
So setting realistic, measurable but still aspirational 90 day goals really works for me. It breaks the year down into quarters and makes my over-arching and bigger goals more specific and achievable. I use the Best-Self Journal to track my progress (though not as religiously lately as I’ve just been all over the place) and check in with myself at least once a week.
So what were my goals?
At the beginning of 2018, I set the following 3 business goals and 3 personal goals…
- Grow WeBlogNorth members to 200 paying subscribers
- Launch the WeBlogNorth Members Hub with 15 resources
- Increase the PR exposure of WeBlogNorth and me as a “mum-boss”
- Do some form of pregnancy-suitable exercise, 3 times a week
- Have weekly “me-time”
- Enjoy 1-2-1 time with my daughter each week and do lots of new activities and day-trips
And how did I do?
Well, there’s no point on reflecting on my 90 day goals, 90 days in, if I’m not honest. So here we go:
- I’m pleased to say I successfully launched the Members Hub of WeBlogNorth, providing more value for members and a matrix to grow and expand the online community I’ve built – woohoo!
- We didn’t quite get to 200 paying members…yet! We’re at about 190, so not far off and focus has been on other areas, not new customer acquisition, so that’ll likely be the reason why
- PR exposure is in progress and I’ve spoken on panels and presented at events, raising my profile as an expert in the industry…so although not totally there, it has definitely been a step in the right direction (pat on the back)
- Well, what can I say? Fail on all counts! Exercise and the twice weekly swim, yoga, pilates sessions I had intended just didn’t happen. Largely because I’ve just been too busy. I’ve been trying to juggle a mammoth work-load, a toddler and very limited “office hours”. I’ve not succeeded.
- I’m super disappointed and feel like this is an excuse, but it has been unavoidable and I just haven’t been able to find any spare time for me this pregnancy. So the things like pregnancy massage and relaxing morning yoga sessions didn’t materialise.
- I guess sometimes there’s just crunch times when you run your own business, where the work-life balance is just too hard to achieve and this is mine. Just annoying it came at the same time as a long and tiring pregnancy lol.
- I have however reignited my love and appreciation of a long soak in the bath with aromatherapy oils, thus giving me some time alone and have had plenty of mummy-daughter days including trips to the farms and zoos in the area – so that’s a win on the personal side of things!
No point in beating myself up…
But, reflecting on my 90 day goals isn’t about beating myself up and dwelling on the things I haven’t achieved. It’s about assessing, reviewing and giving myself a figurative pat on the back for the things I have achieved. So that’s what I’m doing with this blog post, as I don’t have a line-manager or boss or review meeting for someone else to do this for me – nope, I’ve got to be my own appraiser!
The next 90 days
So I’ve been having a long, hard think about what the next 90 days could bring and in honesty, I’ve got no bloody idea! Babies have this way of rocking your world in all the best possible ways, but are totally unpredictable and so I’ve refrained from trying to picture my work-life scenario too much, as chances are, it’ll be totally different.
But I am going to set another set of business and personal 90 day goals for April to June, just to give myself some guidance and points to check-in with when I need to.
Want to know what they are? I’ll be posting them very shortly.