Quality printing at home

Working for myself has meant that I don’t have the luxury of going to work in an office and all the facilities that come with that. Instead, I work from home (occasionally from bed – perks!) and have nearly completed my home office (reveal coming soon!). So on the occasions where printing something is necessary, I have to do it from my home printer. It’s therefore important that I have quality printing at home…
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Printing at home
In steps Cartridge Save, to save the day! A common misconception (and one that I too was guilty of), is that quality printing at home only comes from the expensive printer cartridges that come with your printer.
So when Cartridge Save, who offer their own brand of ink cartridges compatible with branded printers, asked me to test the quality of their cartridges vs the branded ones, I was genuinely intrigued to see if they’d stack up.
Having just finalised my 2020 events calendars for WeBlogNorth, I thought this would be the prefect tester, as the calendars are colourful and visually impressive. I also need a hard-copy reference in my home office, so a good quality print is essential.
Here’s how I got on…
Cartridge Save vs Branded cartridge
Well what do you think? The visuals speak for themselves I’d say. I was genuinely impressed that I couldn’t see a difference in the quality of printing between the cartridges and the Cartridge Save ones were far more affordable (which, for a small business like me, where every penny counts, is a huge plus).
I can’t wait to get my calendars framed for the wall of my home office.

What do you reckon – would you give Cartridge Save a try now?
If you like this, you might also like my post on what success looks like in your thirties and if you work for yourself, have a listen to my podcast with other women who are doing their thang!