My 90 Day Goals April to June

If you caught-up with my last post about my 90 day goals, you’ll know that I feel strongly about checking-in with myself, reviewing where I’m up to and re-setting my goals if necessary. As we’re over 3 months into the year and I’m about to embark on some sort of “maternity leave”, I thought there’s no better time to reassess my goals for the next 90 days, April to June.
Now, I’ve got quite a large life event happening in this quarter…I’m having baby number 2! Eek! And this time, I’m self-employed, with no formal maternity leave and so will be working-out how to be a working mum, grow a small business and also have some quality time with my children. Not a lot then?!
My 90 Day Goals April to June
I’ll get straight into them – business and personal.
- Reach 250 members for WeBlogNorth
- Soft-Launch WeBlog in 1 new location
- Have a calendar of events in other Northern cities established for 2018/19
- Enjoy being a mum! Ensure I have 1 day where I do an activity/have some quality time just with the new baby. Ensure I still have some time just me and Flo too. Make sure the weekend is about us as a family and most importantly, have a date night once a month with the hubby, just the two of us.
- Make steps to get into the shape I want. I’m not going to put anything measurable on this, as the first 12 weeks after birth will be about recovery and discovery and I will NOT be thinking about exercise. But bigger picture is that I’d like to get into the shape of my life after this pregnancy and I will be focussing on that as an on-going goal from hereon.
- Have some me time. A bath by myself in the evening, a couple of hours reading mags in the garden, a solo stroll around the shops…something where I just get to be Holly and enjoy my own company!
That’s it! Something to focus on and have at the back of my mind, as there’ll be something else taking my focus during this period. But I think it’s still good considering my 90 day goals, April to June and at least having a thread there that I can pick-up when I’m ready!
So here’s to the next 90 days and I’ll be checking-in again here at the end of June.
How are you getting on with your 90 day goals? I’d love to know!
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Imposter Syndrome (and stepping out of your comfort zone)
and my other posts about Freelancer Life.
Title photo by the wonderful Anna Hardy Photography