Moments Together – Number 2

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments2 min read550 views

Ok so I missed this post last week, but I had a good excuse…we were on a mini-break in North Wales, soaking up the beautiful sunny weather! BUT, that did make for an even better Moments Together post, as I took my DSLR away with me and snapped away for 3 days straight…

I took over 1000 photos can you believe and am so happy with the results.

Here is a short Moments Together video of our 1st proper family beach holiday (and by proper I mean, one that our daughter could enjoy and take in!).

Moments Together – Sandy Beaches

There’s something about being out in the fresh air, with the sea lapping away at the shore, watching your child run around, kicking in the sand, that is so simple but so perfect.

You don’t need TV, you don’t need toys…in fact you don’t need much more than a bucket and a sandy sandwich to keep everyone happy when you’re enjoying a sunny day on the beach.

Without getting incredibly deep on you, there were a few moments last weekend where I just sat there, looking at my incredible family and friends and thought just how bloody lucky I am. How happy I am and proud of where we’d got to in life and content with how things are going.

I watched our daughter run around, totally free, totally happy, without a care in the world. Unaware of all the chaos that surrounds her in this crazy thing we call life. I watched the simplicity of the frothy sea lapping away at her tiny toes causing absolute joy. I watched her discover how to make a sand-castle and bury her feet in the sand. I watched her guide her little friends into the sea, so they too could enjoy splashing around and getting wet. Actually being allowed to get wet and messy. It’s the only thing any toddler ever wants isn’t it?

Well as I sat there, watching all this, I remember thinking that I didn’t want it to end. I wanted us all to feel this happy all the time. Unrealistic I know, but we’ll give it a bloody good go and if nothing else, once a year, we’ll make the same trip, with our friends and enjoy watching our children make footsteps in the sand.

Read my first Moments Together post here.