Introducing the House Renovation Project

Holly Wood By Holly Wood1 Comment3 min read779 views

We are about to embark on something that is probably one of the most exciting things we’ve done as a couple (other than getting married and starting a family, that is)…The House Renovation Project.

We adore our home, but we are quickly out-growing it and if I’m being honest, I’ve started to fall out of love with it. I don’t know if it’s because of being on maternity leave and spending so much time within the house, but it just doesn’t suit our lifestyle anymore. 

Setting the scene – The House Renovation Project

One late summer’s evening, a notification popped-up in my inbox from Rightmove and I clicked it, thinking it’d be another dream house in our dream area, waaaaay out of our price range (I’d gotten used to seeing these crop-up on a weekly basis). But it wasn’t. It was definitely our dream area (in fact spitting distance from where we are now), it was sort of our dream house (sort of) and it was kind of in our price range…

What’s the catch? I asked myself. Well, it was in total need of renovation and the interior layout wasn’t quite right for a growing family. In fact, we’d probably totally overlook this house if it wasn’t in our desired location.

I showed it to the hubby and we agreed that if for no other reason that to be totally nosy, we’d go along to the open day to see it. Along with every other thirty-something couple in South Manchester. (sigh!).

BUT…fast forward 3 long months of waiting and we were picking-up the keys to our new home! Except, it’s not quite a home yet. In fact, it’s far from it.

So here begins The House Renovation Project…

house project hollygoeslightly

The house itself is solid and structurally sound, built in 1928 when houses were made of stronger stuff. But internally, it’s not been done-up for a LONG TIME. It needs a total re-wire and a new boiler to make it habitable, but it’s also in desperate need of new flooring and some TLC.

That’s where we step in. I could totally see through the work from the moment we set foot in the house. Despite being empty, cold and a bit rough around the edges, it felt right. It felt like a family home – a home that deserved to be lived in and loved.

But with a toddler, a dog and very busy day jobs, it’s not a project we could do in dribs and drabs. So we’re throwing all our efforts at it and are going to try and do everything in one-fell-swoop, so we can finally live in a family home that is right for us.

So there we have it, an introduction to The House Project. As my video above says, I’ll be documenting the whole process here on this blog and on my social media channels (particularly instagram). Before photos and video are on their way shortly and work starts in a matter of days…eek!

So keep your eyes peeled for design inspiration, project updates and renovation tips (stuff we learn on the way).

Have you done a house renovation project before?

I know we’re not the only mad ones doing this. Have you undergone a house renovation project recently? I’d love to hear all about it – the highs and lows and PLEASE share any tips you might have.

If you want to make sure you see the progress of The House Renovation Project, then subscribe to my newsletter…
