5 toys for 1 year olds

Holly Wood By Holly Wood0 Comments3 min read853 views

So my little one is growing ridiculously quickly and her 1st birthday is only a couple of months away (eek!). It’s got me thinking that a baby’s 1st birthday is probably one of their most important (even if they don’t remember it). And inevitably it’s an excuse for me to go shopping for some new toys, as she takes quite a lot of entertaining these days!

I find that new toys are a great way to stimulate a baby’s growth and development (and also keep me entertained if I’m honest). So for her 1st birthday, I know a few new toys will be greatly appreciated by all.

So here’s a little guide to 5 toys for 1-year olds…

1.Baby Mobiles 

A mobile with lots of shapes and colours is a lovely present for a 1 year old. Visual stimulation is great for baby’s developing brain, as she will want to follow it with her eyes, which is a good way to develop motor skills. When baby is a little bit older, she will want to touch the mobile, again, a good way to help her young brain. Some baby mobiles play sweet little lullabies that will send her off to sleep in no time (wishful thinking)… Perfect if you can’t sing (like me).

2. Stacking Toys

Babies love to carry, stack and knock things over, so feed this instinct with a stacking toy gift. Stacking toys come in all shapes and sizes, with different colours and designs, so whether your baby is a boy or a girl, this is a nice gift. Simple stacking toys include blocks, rings and cups. One of the subtle benefits of these toys is early numerical development (gotta be a good thing right?).

3. Push Toys

Baby will be busy learning the art of walking at the end of their first year and push toys are an excellent way to help this process along. As well as helping with balance as they walk, push toys work lots of different infant muscle groups, including the shoulders and arms. Hand-eye coordination will also improve with a push toy. Even if your little one isn’t up and walking yet, they can roll around on their tummy and play. I’ve already got one of these for my little lady and she loves it.

4. Musical Instruments

It’s never too early to start your baby on the journey to becoming the next Mozart, Beethoven or BeyoncĂ©. 1 year olds just love making noise! Any instrument that allows them to bang, shake and rattle will give them hours of fun. My little one loves tambourines and maracas best! Just be careful to make sure you buy baby-safe instruments, and maybe a pair of earmuffs too!

5. Bath Toys

5 toys for 1 year olds bathtime hollygoeslightly

If there’s one thing babies love, it’s a nice warm bath. And bath time becomes about ten times more fun with a few exciting bath toys. You could go for the classic rubber duck (very retro) or why not mix it up and go for some water flutes? These are special tubes that you fill with water and when baby blows on them they make different notes. You will know the right bath toy for your baby’s personality when you see it. Online is the best place to start if you feel like splashing out (see what I did there?).

Although toys are great for learning and education, remember to make sure play time is mostly about letting loose and having some fun with your bubba. Happy shopping!

What’s your little one’s favourite toy?



Images by _-0-_ and Carlos Gracia used under Creative Commons License.