Spring is finally here!

Doesn’t it finally feel like the weather has taken a turn for the better? Like we’re finally in Spring and not far away from Summer?
What a difference the sunshine makes to my general mood, energy levels and motivation. Does it for you? I’m sure if England had a guaranteed 4 to 5 months of sunshine, we’d all be a lot happier and productive.
This Sunday just gone was such a lovely sunny day and I pretty much leaped out of bed (a rarity I can assure you!), happily pottered around the house, making breakfast and then headed out with the family on a big walk across the local meadows. Â Ah I love mornings like that.
Before we left, I grabbed my Fuji Instax camera, kindly gifted to me by Ocean Finance, who are working with bloggers like moi on their #OceanSpringHomes campaign. They offer finance for homeowners like myself and asked me to take some “spring-time” shots in and around my home. Naturally any excuse to take a photo, of course, I accepted! And doesn’t everything look better in natural sunny daylight!?
I’ve not used this camera before, but love the Polaroid feel of the results. There’s a few different settings on this, for different levels of light, so I snapped away, indoors and outdoors to see what I could come up with. I think instant photos look great on display in your house and you can change them regularly like a moving piece of art or photo wall. I often line mine up on my mantelpiece so I can enjoy them each day as I get ready.
And here’s my shots…what do you think?
Have you taken any photos in and around your home this Spring? If so, tag me in them using #hollygoeslightly and #oceanspringhomes so I can see 🙂