My Mother’s Day Wishlist

Ok so **spoiler alert**, this post is going to contain some major cheese for Mother’s Day.
As you know, this week I’ve been compiling a series of Mother’s Day Wishlists, to help anyone out shopping for their mums. Today is Day 5 of that series, which culminates in what I want most for Mother’s Day…and it’s this crazy bunch above ^!
I am so blimmin’ lucky to have the best husband in the world and now the best daughter. They both make me so so happy and that is better than any gift.
Waking up to a beaming smile from the little lady and promise of a brunch complete with fizz, just made my heart swell with love and happiness. (And that’s not just about the champagne, honest)!
This time last year, my daughter was growing strong in my tummy and I was so excited to meet her and so full of questions about whether she would indeed be a “she” and what she’d look like, sound like, smell like. So to be sat here today, as a mum, is the best thing in the world, ever!
It sounds so cliche and I always used to roll my eyes at gushing new mums when they’d talk about their offspring. But now I’m that mum. I’m the mum that is saying that motherhood, for me, truly is the best.
I hope all you mums, daughters, grandmas, mums-to-be out there are feeling loved and spoiled in some way today. I know I am.
Happy Mother’s Day.Â